Monday, 8 February 2010

And the winner is....

EAST OF THE IC!!!!!!  (Or, just Alan.)

Thank you for all those who participated in the contest, and congratulations to a commenter at Arte Acher's Falling Circus who signs himself “East of the IC”.

Alan, please email me at: with the name and mailing address where the “WWII in HD” DVD set is to be sent. Your name and address will remain confidential.

My review of this documentary series was originally posted here.

If you’d like to buy a copy, here’s where you can order the DVD set.

Here’s where you can order the Blu-ray edition.

For more information on “WWII in HD” have a look at this website.

Note: A&E Home Entertainment has provided me with a review copy of the DVD set, and one to give away, and my thanks to them.