Thursday 25 August 2016

Dance, dance...(Dirty Dancing)

Everyone loves the underdog story. How a nondescript personality comes to the forefront and

snatches the glare from front rankers. Emile Ardolino's Dirty Dancing is one such instance. Apparently this 1987 low-budget romantic drama wasn't expected to run more than a week at the theatre, but strangely it went on to become a massive sleeper hit and was also the first film to sell more than a

Monday 2 May 2016

Dangerous liaison (Fatal Attraction, 1987)

What depths can a woman plunge to for love? I say depths because Alex Forest does not rise in love.

Or should I call it
obsession? She plummets into the most obnoxious and deplorable levels of
behaviour in order to get the due attention from the man she starts believing
she has a right to. These are all her beliefs. On any given day, a mind with a
rational thinking capacity would not like